
We, because the official distributor of China Autel diagnostic devices, provide sales and soon after sales support to our clients with our expert group.

AUTEL would be the leader of manufacturer firm using the support of its products.


Autel Automobile Scanner Technical Detail;

– Compatible with 1996 Model and above all cars

– Capable to carry out diagnostic operations in American, Europe, and Asia Groups cars

– Able to update online

– Assistance far more than 80 brands and models

– Able to attain technical codes and wiring diagrams

– Study and delete Error Code

– Displaying live data

– Adaptation and Programming

– Calibration

– TPMS Reset

-You can easily execute all diagnostic operations including Dpf Regeneration.

Autel Diagnostic Scanner can be a skilled device which has a screen of its own and is actually a user-friendly device.

It truly is more rapidly and more specialist than the other device using the assist of Cortex-A9 quad-core processor.

Autel gives lengthy operating time as much as eight hours. With the Wife function, It gives connection as much as 230 meters.

As OBD2TOOL.COM we’ve got the honor to represent Autel diagnostic tools to our valued costumers.



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