Golf 7 AKL MQB 5 MIN JOB Autel IM608
Good to know:
Also Xhorse VVDI2 and VVDI Key Tool Plus are able to program Golf 7 AKL MQB, as long as you have MQB data.
Question: Where did you get the MQB data?
Answer: I didn’t do anything just pay he did everything on his own.
Question: if you pay it get file online without change it… no?
Answer: No CS is change 100 %
Like when you make a « new identity » with odis online , the cs changes , there is a special number to send to the factory so that the keys can be prepared with the correct CS ( for dealer only ) if you do it with odis online crazy problem…
With Autel is same CS change and if you order new « dealer key » never work because factory have old CS in key…
I use this function with odis gecko is same but if you not dealer or independant not necessary to use… with Autel and with vvdi and lot of some other tool All key lost function change CS…All professional locksmith know it…